The Zoologist

Thought this would be a fun character to do a shrine for
The Zoologist's by far my favorite NPC in Terraria. Their design is cute, their personality is cute, they're just a really really cute NPC and I love zoologists so much because of that. It's to a degree where I get a little sad whenever I see a message that a Zoologist died while watching a Terraria video. Just a very very cool NPC that I love very much :]]


Mardy! That's the name of the Zoologist that showed up in my town back in 2022. She's never died once since she first stepped foot in the world of Ceppah World idfk, and I think if she ever did die I'd have to reset my world and commit seppuku.
In fact, I love Mardy SO much, that when I submitted a teamup of a Zoologist and a Party Girl for a mashup tournament also in 2022, I decided to have the Zoologist specifically be Mardy, alongside the Party Girl also from Ceppah World idfk! (I forgot her name and I'm too lazy to boot up Terraria to check atm, apologies). Even made my own render for them! As seen below

Artwork of the Party Girl and Mardy the Zoologist smiling at the camera while in poses somewhat resembling them jumping on a trampoline. The Party Girl is wearing a belt with a Celebration gun & Confetti Grenade strapped to either side while holding a pink balloon with a purple star printed in the middle, while Mardy is wearing two belts while holding a music box designed as a boombox strapped to two Fairy Glowsticks

I tried combining the hair she's usually seen with with the dreadlocks she has in her uncursed state seen during the credits when you beat Moon Lord. This was to "Meh" Success I'm fairly certain. She & the Party Girl went by the team name Party Animals, and though the tournament never actually happened I'm sure they had fun with all the other characters who joined it! :]

For most of my time in Ceppah World idfk she lived inside the aerial base I had built hovering just above the central grasslands; Inside the leftmost tower, where she would research animals and whatnot. However, when I was getting ready to fight the Moon Lord, I escorted her alongside all above-ground NPCs to a temporary abode in my underground base, bringing their belongings along with them. I ended up dying when I tried to fight Moon Lord, and Mardy and the others remain in that temporary underground hotel to this day...

Screenshot of the aerial base talked about above Though I've never actually finished my 2022 playthrough and I haven't been as into Terraria as I was back then, Mardy still holds a special place in my heart. One day, Mardy, one day I'll muster up the strength to vanquish the Moon Lord, and you and everybody else shall have to hide no longer...